
Thunderbirds Blast Off! #6

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Literature Text

Element Of Danger - Part Two

That night, The driver of the transporter truck had just finished studying his route when he heard a knock at the door. Hesitant, he got up and walked over to the door controls. He pressed the button and the door opened, revealing the Hood on the other side. Before he could say anything, The Hood's devilish yellow eyes lit up. It's intense, hypnotic color put the man in a deep trance. After a few seconds, the driver lost consciousness and collapsed upon the ground. Shutting the door behind him, The Hood approached the table and studied the route map. He picked up the pen that the driver was using and began his own modifications.

The Hood: So this is where he is going tomorrow? Well we'll see about that. Now my friend, you are going to hand your job over to me.

The Hood took a few minutes to tie up the drive before slipping on his clothes. As locked his victim away, his micro radio buzzed.

The Hood: Ah General. How nice of you to call?

The General: *Over the radio* What is your progress? Is everything going ahead as planned?" 

The Hood: Yes General. I have now obtained a new route map. I will be driving the transporter and rest assured, it will not be going to the buyer. International Rescue will never receive the precious element.

The General: *Over the radio* International Rescue? This means that value of that element is more expensive than before! From now on, maintain radio silence."

The Hood ended the transmission and returned to his Jeep. He placed the map on the passenger seat. He the drove off into the night, checking his watch. He now had Six hours till dawn.


As the sun rose up above her hotel room, Lady Penelope awoke from a peaceful sleep. Her ears tuned in to the sound of her china set. Parker entered the room and poured her a cup of tea. It was only two hours before the mission started.

Parker: I'm afraid we are running a bit late M'Lady.

Penelope: I know, Parker. Get the rolls ready. I shall not be too long getting dressed. Now I better give Jeff a call.

Penelope removed her compact radio from her handbag. Jeff's face once again emerged on the small, circular screen.

Penelope: Okay Jeff, I only have two hours to get over there. Alan may leave.

Jeff: *Over the video screen* FAB Penny. Alan's ready to go.


Back on Tracy Island, A small unmarked black heli-jet lifted off the runway with Alan at the controls. His estimated trip to the rendezvous point was three hours. Jeff and Scott stood out on the balcony, watching Alan's take off.

Scott: That abandoned heli-jet we found sure came in handy. Alan sure knows how to restore things.

Jeff: I know Scott. He's talented, but the real test is to see if he can pick up the element unnoticed. We can't afford to attract attention.


At the transporter bay, The Hood smiled as he placed on his new disguise. He calmly walked over towards the manager and reported in. He came up with a story for the manager. The element was being carried across on a conveyor belt behind him. The manager took one look at the Hood and didn't even bat an eye. He ticked the boxes and signed him in, unaware that he letting a spy, drive the transporter. FAB 1 pulled up outside the security gate. Parker showed the guard their security passes.

Penelope: Now Parker remember, only contact me every half an hour. And stay behind the transporter by about three miles. We don't want to make the driver nervous. 

Parker: Understood, M'lady. Good luck.

Penelope: *exciting the Rolls* Thank you Parker.

Penelope headed down the walkway towards the transporter bay. She stopped with a sense of hesitation as she looked at the driver. She couldn't help but feel that she knew him from somewhere. The Hood continued with his act, greeting Penelope outside the cabin.

The Hood: Welcome aboard my fine transporter my lady. I hope that this delivery trip will be a smooth one for you.

Penelope: *Keeping her cool* I can be sure that it will be. We best be off then.

The last few checks had been cleared. The Hood familiarized himself with the controls. Penelope sat in the passenger seat, holding the route map with her. The barriers opened and the transporter's engines roared to life. Parker watched from the drivers seat as the transporter rolled out into the light before him. It was the start of a dangerous and deceptive journey. As she sat there, Penelope began to listen to her suspicions. Each minute convinced her that she was heading into a trap. To keep her cool, she tried the art of small talk to try and find holes in the Hoods story.

Penelope: So, have you been driving often?

The Hood: Oh all the time. I've been a courier for the best of Ten years.

Penelope: Ten years? How extraordinary. It must be a well paid job?

The Hood: Oh it is. It is. 

A few hours passed by. FAB 1 trailed closely behind the truck until they arrived at a small intersection. The planned route stated that they should take the route dead ahead, but the Hood had other plans. The first thing he had to do was lose the tail. He flipped a concealed switch which shot out an electronic jamming beam. The beam jammed up FAB 1's breaks, forcing Parker to swerve off the road. Then, The Hood swung a hard left and took off for the mountain. Parker was alright, but his first priority was Penelope's well being. 

Parker: Oh no! They're heading for the tunnel! I must called Mr Tracy!

Penelope knew the game was up. She looked back towards the driver only to see that he trained a gun on her.

Penelope: I knew there was something funny about you. What is the meaning of this? 

The Hood: Relax. This is a little stick up. I am taking the element and you are my little insurance policy.

Penelope: You do realize that you'll attract attention. Don't think that you'll get out of this easily

The Hood: Don't worry. Nothing will go wrong. You see. I know you are from International Rescue. They will never receive Element Twenty-One!

Penelope was now in danger. With no gun to defend herself and no way of reaching Jeff, all she could do was hope that help would be on their way.

To Be Continued

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